Jeszra features various Help lines, some with »snap-to-line«.
Help lines are available for windows managed through the place geometry manager, canvas items, TkZinc 3.3.4 items and –as grid lines– for the grid geometry manager.
Help lines are meaningless when using the pack geometry manager and therefore don´t exist.
TkZinc 3.3.4 and canvas may use a second help line type: »Embedded Help lines«. Embedded Help lines are red.
Starting with Jeszra 0.2: Tk canvas and TkZinc 3.3.4 may feature grid points. Grid points are controlled through the context menu for items and the drawing windows. A small set of predefined grids are listed inside the context menu: 5mm, 10 pixel, 1 pica and the ability to hide the grid.
Help lines and Grids
Vertical dynamic Help lines during moving a graphical object or placed window.
Horizontal dynamic Help lines during moving a graphical object or placed window.
Vertical static Help lines in graphical windows and for the place manager.
Horizontal static Help lines in graphical windows and for the place manager.
Vertical grid lines for the grid geometry manager.
Horizontal grid lines for the grid geometry manager.
Grid points for graphical windows such as TkZinc 3.3.4 and Tk canvas.
Vertical dynamic embedded Help lines, in red, for TkZinc 3.3.4 and Tk canvas.
Horizontal dynamic embedded Help lines, in red for TkZinc 3.3.4 and Tk canvas.