The conventional way in Graphical User Interface-frameworks is to let the parent windows manage their children. This is mostly the same with Tcl/Tk, but geometry management is delegated to a dedicated manager.
There are geometry manager which can cooperate –that is ignore each other–, while others will run amok. The »grid« and »pack« geometry managers feature size propagation . A managed window will claim the required size from its managing window and thus propagate its size up through the window hierarchy. Only a single geometry manager may use propagation in one region.
Jeszra supports more than 15 different Tcl/Tk geometry managers.
Supported General Geometry Managers
place: Allows simple relative and absolute coordinate placement inside a region.
The place manager is very similar to the geometry management in other frameworks.
Since pack was the single most used geometry manager in Tcl/Tk, before grid was incorporated into the toolkit, there are still a series of window properties to support designs based on pack: »anchor«, »padx« and »pady« for example. These properties are no longer necessary, just use the grid manager.
Unfortunately, the TkTable’s built-in geometry manager follows the informal naming convention. Hence there are two »table« geometry managers. A general purpose geometry manager »table« from BLT and a built-in geometry manager inside the table window.