- Table Listbox, Tablelist
A multi column listbox.
Tablelist is a composite window. based on the
Tk Text window. It is a replacement for Tk’s
No proper Scalable Vector Graphics can be generated for the
internal used text window.
Scalable Vector Graphics generation for
tablelist is however technically feasible, by following
the logic and reusing the listbox Scalable Vector Graphics
generation. Difficulties may still arise for embedded
- TreeCtrl Hierarchy, TreeCtrl
A hierarchy window implemented in C.
No Scalable Vector Graphics can be generated for this window.
- Virtual Listbox, Hugelist
Hugelist is a composite window replacing the
Tk listbox. It can be used inside of rtl_mlistbox,
rtl_gridwin, rtl_combobox and
Hugelist uses a canvas window internally,
hence it is possible to generate Scalable Vector Graphics from it.
Hugelist separates contents from
display and is thus able to deal with
very large lists, but not with on-demand data gathering.
- Table Spreadsheet, Table, Cell, Row, Column
TkTable is a spreadsheet like window.
Every visual aspect can be
configured inside of Jeszra.
The pseudo items: »Cell«, »Row« and »Column«
are used to visually layout the spreadsheet.
The built-in Table (name clash with BLT table)
geometry manager is supported.
Data, technically the »sheet« itself, is
ignored by the Jeszra’s code generation. I do
not use this control myself and decided to leave
specifying this part to people, who actually
use it.
No Scalable Vector Graphics is generated for TkTable.