The Tcl-Package tDOM must be present.
Also install the Tcl-Package Img to deal with Scalable Vector Graphics embedded images.
Jeszra opens the Scalable Vector Graphics file and imports it into a tDOM based DOM-tree. The DOM-tree will then be parsed and Tcl-code generated from it. A normal Tcl-template is the result from importing a Scalable Vector Graphics file. Canvas windows serve as additional viewports.
Both TkPath 0.2.4 and 0.3 are fully supported by Jeszra.
TkPath 0.3 Limitation in respect to Scalable Vector Graphics
Resolution Independent values are not supported by TkPath. Jeszra converts resolution independent values into pixels, by using the current resolution settings in: »tk scaling«.
linearGradients and radialGradients as »-stroke« values are lost.
The Elements: font, clipPath, textPath, marker, pattern, mask and filter are unsupported.
»userSpaceOnUse« for radialGradient is not implemented in TkPath 0.3.
Further Limitations for TkPath 0.2.4
No »style« element is being created for TkPath 0.2.4. Jeszra resolves the style values and applies the individual properties accordingly.
style is a problematic element inside Scalable Vector Graphics. Styling through CSS is rendered ineffective when style is present. Avoide using style.
No »gradientTransform« for radialGradient and linearGradient.