Chapter 9. Documentation

Table of Contents

DocBook Overview
refentry and Entities
XAE Emacs Commentary Block
Creating Documents
Standard Properties
Specific Properties
Commands (Messages)
Multi Language Documentation
Commenting Wrappers
Manual Pages for Lisp
Manual Pages for Ruby
Manual Pages for Python
API Documentation

Jeszra is capable to generated documentation from the template definition and comments inside the source code. Jeszra 0.2 is able to crreate DocBook documents from abitrar source code.

I have chosen DocBook as the documentation format. DocBook is a XML-based deep-structured Document Type Definition. DocBook´s partikular design goal are easily convertible documents.

The entire Jeszra documentation and the documentation of the fundamental libraries: Runtime Library 3.0, Gestalt Items 1.1 are written in DocBook 4.5.

Jeszra is preset to generate DocBook 4.5 documents. Albeit Jeszra is also prepared for DocBook 5.0: The header procedure dumper::docbook::doctype is used for DocBook 5.0, and dumper::docbook::entities for 4.5. The preference variable rat(settings,Code,Docbook,DocType) controls the different DocBook 4.5 and 5.0 configuration.