The filter set. »items« is a list of property names.
format script; this »command« is executed whenever the local filter is applied.
Example 3.4. Gfilter Usage
gfilter .inspector.filter \ -command [list .inspector setfilter %s] \ -group [.inspector get-action collect] \ -items [.inspector get-action \ [get-inspector .inspector],options];
In Example 3.4, “Gfilter Usage” A new filter dialog
is created and filled with a filter set specified with
»-items«. All available items –for the current window–
are provided via »-group«. The .inspector setfilter
script is executed after a new filter set was composed,
»%s« is expanded with all items inside the filter set.
»group« are the properties displayed inside the top listbox. »group« usually contains all the property names supported by the inspected window. Duplicated properties such as »bg«, »fg« and »bd« are omitted.