- Command-Line Name: -categoryvariable, Database Name: categoryVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable is used
to display the name of the selected »Category«.
Possible values are: Published, Properties, Events and
Geometry. Internal used.
- Command-Line Name: -globalconfigurefilteredvariable, Database Name: globalConfigureFilterVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalbindingsfiltervariable, Database Name: globalBindingsFilterVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalmapfiltervariable, Database Name: globalMapFilterVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalgeometryfiltervariable, Database Name: globalGeometryFilterVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalconfiguredisabledvariable, Database Name: globalConfigureDisabledVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalbindingsdisabledvariable, Database Name: globalBindingsDisabledVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalmapdisabledvariable, Database Name: globalMapDisabledVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -globalgeometrydisabledvariable, Database Name: globalGeometryDisabledVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable lists the
filter or read only set for the associated »Inspector« page.
- Command-Line Name: -array, Database Name: array, Database Class; -
Tcl Array, this array holds the preference