A valid Tcl-Interpreter. This interpreter must be
created through interp create
The current Tcl-Interpreter is used whenever the property is left empty.
A valid Tk Window. This »window« can be a a plain or composite window, too.
The geometry »manager« , used for the selected »window«.
The »assign«ed template or procedure. Identifies the code generation target.
The tooltip and status bar information for this »window«.
Tooltip and status messages are separated by »|« characters. The form is <status message > | <Tooltip message >.
Example 3.2. Help Message
option add *Menubar.options \ { Controls how items are applied| Forces the next window to be a child of the current one. Does ignore the management definitions!| | Geometry manager. Placed windows do not propagate their dimensions. Place is compatible with pack or grid in the same parent window.| Geometry manager. Pack is appropriated for very simple designs with less than three windows.| ... }
The Example 3.2, “Help Message” shows one status message and a series of tooltips. This »help« Option Database entry is used inside Jeszra’s »Options« menu. The tool tips are displayed for the menu entry under the cursor. An empty tool-tips used for separator menu entries.
A Option Database string property. The HTTP online help for this »window«.
Only general purpose geometry managers should be used in this list.
The standard geometry managers »pack grid place« are used as default.
State of the »Modify Content« checkbutton. The »Modify Content« checkbutton opens a content editor inside the editing section of the »Inspector« .
Tcl Variable, boolean value, indicates whether an embedded content editor is used or not..