Chapter 11. Custom Jeszra

Table of Contents

Environment Variables
Settings Variables
Unknown Geometry Manager
Customize Palettes
Creating and modifying Palettes
Modify a Palette and its Items
Inspector Customization
Global Filters
Local Filter
Property Context Menus
Sub Editors
The Script Tool
Customize the Script Tool
Bundled DocBook Files

Jeszra is open source software, and thus every part of it can be modified, extended or replaced. Jeszra features a moderate set of preference pages to easy its customization and the integration of alien packages.

Jeszra´s configuration is stored in the file .jeszra, inside the user´s home directory. This file is being altered by Jeszra itself whenever it saves the configuration.

The environment variable JESZRACONFIG instructs Jeszra to use another configuration file. The file, to which this environment variable points, will be the configuration.

Jeszra may also use a local configuration. The local directory ./ is searched for the file .Jeszra. The local configuration will be loaded instead of the global configuration from either the user´s home directory or identified through JESZRACONFIG. The configurations is however never saved to such a local configuration file. The local configuration is assumed imutable for a given project.

The .Jeszra configuration covers the preferences, the Script Tool, the palette area, the toolbar and the tools menu. The palettes, Script Tool, toolbar and tools menu all have their own Tcl/Tk package.

Jeszra features a basic configuration for all parts. The basic configuration gets used when no other configuration could be found. The related files are: toolbar.tcl, tools.tcl, startup.tcl and palettes.tcl. The package require mechanism imports these modules into Jeszra.

Every modification of Jeszra itself gets monitored by Jeszra. Jeszra will make these customization permanent. The procedure opset is responsible for monitoring permanente changes of the Option Database. The opset mechanism is independent from the Script Tool .