The environment variable JESZRACONFIG instructs Jeszra to use another configuration file. The file, to which this environment variable points, will be the configuration.
The .Jeszra
covers the preferences, the Script Tool,
the palette
area, the toolbar and the tools menu.
The palettes, Script Tool, toolbar
and tools menu all have their own Tcl/Tk package.
The galettes package provides the customization of the Script Tool and the palettes.
gtoolbar package provides the creation and configuration of the main toolbar. The internal structure resembles that of an ordinary template, which makes it possible to also replace the toolbar type itself –with a Zoolbar.
The gtools package provides the customization of the Tools menu.
Every modification of Jeszra itself gets monitored by Jeszra. Jeszra will make these customization permanent. The procedure opset is responsible for monitoring permanente changes of the Option Database. The opset mechanism is independent from the Script Tool .
Palettes, Palette Items. See Figure 11.4, “Palettes”, the section called “Modify a Palette and its Items”, Figure 11.6, “Modify a Palette Item”, Figure 6.3, “Editing the TkPath 0.3 Palette”.
Coding Model.
Code Generation. See the section called “Unknown Geometry Manager”, the section called “Bundled DocBook Files”, Figure 7.6, “Substitution Preferences”, Figure 7.3, “Message Catalog Preferences”, Figure 7.1, “Preferences: Option DB”, Figure 7.2, “Force And Ignore”.
Scripts, Script Recording. See the section called “Scripts”.
Interactive Behavior. See the section called “Common”.
Graphical User Interface. See the section called “Common”.
Filters. See Figure 4.6, “Read-only Properties”, the Inspector context menu and the section called “Global Filters”.