The Documentation
sub directory
contains a large quantity of .xml
DocBook files. These files are the DocBook sources
of the Jeszra Library,
Gestalt Items and
Runtime Library manual pages.
Listing each DocBook file would fill a chapter of its own. I will therefore only discuss a single template »gfilter« from the Jeszra Library.
Example 11.13. Gfilter DocBook Files
refeygfilter.xml gfilter: command.xml gfilter.xml group.xml items.xml okfcn.xml pictures: gfilterscreenshot.svg
The file refeygfilter.xml
the refentry
generated by Jeszra. This file is created from the
source code and contains the documentation of commands.
Entities include the different
property documents into the refentry document.
Gfilter Properties are: -command,
-group, -items, -okfcn.
The file gfilter.xml
is neither a
command nor a property.
contains the general
description of the template gfilter. Jeszra normally
extracts this description from the source code, but
omits the extraction, if an external
description such as gfilter.xml
can be found.
The sub directory gfilter
holds all non-shared properties for the gfilter
template and the template description.
The property files command.xml
, items.xml
and okfcn.xml
document specific
gfilter properties. These property files are not
shared with any other template. Shared properties
have to be put into the Documentation directory. gfilter
does not share properties with any other template.
The sub directory pictures
all figures and bitmaps used inside the mentioned manual pages.
The figure
is referenced
through a »fileref«
from the gfilter description file
is generated by Jeszra, too.
The font, used inside gfilterscreenshot.svg, is
bitstream vera sans. The
font is included through the stylesheet as a
css-font for html and as an embedded font in the
FOP configuration file. The same TrueType®
font is being used in both cases.