Window-specific Options

Command-Line Name: -name, Database Name: name, Database Class; -

The identifier, under which this option is accessible.

command for -command.

Command-Line Name: -option, Database Name: option, Database Class; -

The entry content of the item.

Command-Line Name: -row, Database Name: row, Database Class; -

The 2x grid row of the parent window. The »optionItem« is inserted into each second row.

Command-Line Name: -widvar, Database Name: widvar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, the window path name is retrieved from this variable.

»widvar« and all other variables originate from the »inspector« .

Command-Line Name: -scrvar, Database Name: scrvar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, contains the script which is evaluated. See also optionItem command eval.

The format string resembles: ?script? interpreter windowPathName name value

»scrvar« and all other variables originate from the »inspector« .

Command-Line Name: -travar, Database Name: travar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, containing a script used to traverse the sub-tree starting with the current window / item. The script is used via Tcl command: »format«.

format \
value of travar \
        interpreter \
        window / item path Name
Command-Line Name: -convar, Database Name: convar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, contains the script which is evaluated. See also optionItem command eval. »convar« is used to construct the item context menu. This context menu either resembles the history of the given property or a fixed set of acceptable values.

The format string resembles: ?script? interpreter windowPathName name value

»scrvar« and all other variables originate from the »inspector« .

Command-Line Name: -intvar, Database Name: intvar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, contains the script which is evaluated. See also optionItem command eval.

The format string resembles: ?script? interpreter windowPathName name value

»intvar« and all other variables originate from the »inspector« .

Command-Line Name: -currentvar, Database Name: currentvar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, currentvar is used to monitor the input focus among »optionItems«. All »optionItems« inside a container, shall have the same variable.

The format string resembles: ?script? interpreter windowPathName name value

»intvar« and all other variables originate from the »inspector« .

Command-Line Name: -pagevar, Database Name: pagevar, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, contains the current Inspector page. Possible values for this variable are »pap«, »bindings«, »configure« and »geometry«.

The value of »pagevar« is used in combination with »namevar« to query the visual appearance from the global settings.

getSettings \
    Appearance,Inspector,Commands,[mkFirstUp \
		[set value of pagevar \
          ]],[mkFirstUp value of namevar \
          ] {}

The format string resembles: ?script? interpreter windowPathName name value

»intvar« and all other variables originate from the »inspector« .

Window Command

A Window created through the optionItem command exposes various functions. Using these functions has the following general form:

object.option(?arg arg ...?)

PathName is the same as the window path name. Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for this window:


Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the optionItem command.

object.configure(?option?) {?value option value ...?}

Query or modify the configuration options of the window. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given window option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the optionItem command.





object.setmodify( w key )

Check wheter or not a modification was made for this item. Note that control alt and shift keys are ignored. Revision : 10/13/2009, Roger


Look if there is a configure action pending if this is true, try to set. Report errors but dont display error boxes. Revision : 10/14/2009, Roger

object.eval( script_ option_ ?traverse? )

Internal used. Evaluation the given scripts conscript and script (when needed also traverse widget hierarchy). Revision : 10/14/2009, Roger


Destructor of item.

object.getWidget( wn )

get current widgetname to member wn. Note item does not contain its members.


Remove the access button to a subeditor.



object.context( w x y )

evaluate context menu for this entry


Allows to call an subeditor for the selected item. A button is inserted to the item


This item receives the focus. Rewritten : 10/14/2009, Roger