Window-specific Options

Command-Line Name: -interp, Database Name: interp, Database Class; -

A valid Tcl-Interpreter. This interpreter must be created through interp create.

The current Tcl-Interpreter is used whenever the property is left empty.

Command-Line Name: -window, Database Name: window, Database Class; -

A valid Tk Window. This »window« can be a a plain or composite window, too.

Command-Line Name: -manager, Database Name: manager, Database Class; -

The geometry »manager« , used for the selected »window«.

Command-Line Name: -assign, Database Name: assign, Database Class; -

The »assign«ed template or procedure. Identifies the code generation target.

Command-Line Name: -help, Database Name: help, Database Class; -

The tooltip and status bar information for this »window«.

Tooltip and status messages are separated by »|« characters. The form is <status message > | <Tooltip message >.

The Example 3.2, “Help Message” shows one status message and a series of tooltips. This »help« Option Database entry is used inside Jeszra’s »Options« menu. The tool tips are displayed for the menu entry under the cursor. An empty tool-tips used for separator menu entries.

Command-Line Name: -href, Database Name: href, Database Class; -

A Option Database string property. The HTTP online help for this »window«.

Command-Line Name: -description, Database Name: description, Database Class; -

The label next to »-assign«. The label reflects the code model, used to generate the project. Possible values are: »Procedure« and »Template«.

Command-Line Name: -assignscript, Database Name: assignscript, Database Class; -

Tcl-script, this is evaluated whenever a <Return> is received by the associated entry window. The internal method »eval« is used to evaluate this script. The script is formatted using »format« and the current value is used as its sole parameter.

Command-Line Name: -helpscript, Database Name: helpscript, Database Class; -

Tcl-script, this is evaluated whenever a <Return> is received by the associated entry window. The internal method »eval« is used to evaluate this script. The script is formatted using »format« and the current value is used as its sole parameter.

Command-Line Name: -hrefscript, Database Name: hrefscript, Database Class; -

Tcl-script, this is evaluated whenever a <Return> is received by the associated entry window. The internal method »eval« is used to evaluate this script. The script is formatted using »format« and the current value is used as its sole parameter.

Command-Line Name: -defmanager, Database Name: defmanager, Database Class; -

List of geometry managers. The »Geometry« menu is created from this list. The menu is used to change the »window«’s geometry manager; for example from »pack« to »grid«.

Only general purpose geometry managers should be used in this list.

The standard geometry managers »pack grid place« are used as default.

Command-Line Name: -entryforeground, Database Name: entryForeground, Database Class; Foreground

»foreground« color for the contained entries.

Command-Line Name: -editable, Database Name: editable, Database Class; -

State of the »Modify Content« checkbutton. The »Modify Content« checkbutton opens a content editor inside the editing section of the »Inspector« .

An editor implementation must exists inside the namespace inspector::editors to modify content. ginspecteditors.tcl implements such editors for »hugelist«, »listbox« and »rtl_mlistbox« and »text« windows. Text, canvas, pathCanvas and TkZinc 3.3.4 windows are direct manipulated, and do not require an embedded editor.

Command-Line Name: -editcommand, Database Name: editCommand, Database Class; -

A Tcl Command, the »Modify Content« checkbutton invokes »-editcommand«. Usually a content editor will open. The same command is also used to hide the content editor.

Command-Line Name: -editvariable, Database Name: editVariable, Database Class; -

Tcl Variable, boolean value, indicates whether an embedded content editor is used or not..


Figure 3.2. optionInfo

The command »optionInfo« creates a »optionInfo« window.

»optionInfo« is used as the window information area inside the Inspector(n) window. It allows the selection of a new window; the selection of another geometry manager; the definition of hypertext references, tool tip and status bar messages.

In addition, the window name and path can be changed.

Window Command

A Window created through the optionInfo command exposes various functions. Using these functions has the following general form:

(option object ?arg arg ...?)

PathName is the same as the window path name. Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for this window:

(cget object :option)

Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the optionInfo command.

(configure object ?:option? ?value option value ...?)

Query or modify the configuration options of the window. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given window option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the optionInfo command.

(changeManager object manager )

Change geometry behavior. Revision : 10/12/2009, Roger

(askManager object widget interp cont manconf manager manval slavel )

Manager was changed and maybe there are other widgets useing the old manager, which will conflict with the new one. Revision : 10/12/2009, Roger

(init object )

stripes the info area (secondary constructor). Under non-aqua systems a sunken gradient is created inside this area to emphasis the browsing abillity. This gradient is cached inside the stripes namespace. Written : 11/13/2007, Roger Revision : 07/24/2008, Roger –tkpath 0.3.0 local caché

(checkModified object i )

Allow leaving field without return. Revision : 10/12/2009, Roger

(changeName object )

Rename current window, either its pathname or its real name. Revision : 10/12/2009, Roger

(shhid object )

Close current instance. Displays or hides the information area.

The pack geometry manager is internally used for hidding and showing the information area.

A dummy window is used at the place of the Information area, whenever information is hidden. Otherwise the area would not collapse!

Related to the pack geometry manager.

(eval object type name )

General eval routine mainly used for help (statusline and tooltips), href and procedure/ component assingment. Revision : 10/12/2009, Roger

(destroy object )


(local object )

Browse locally for an alternative window.

(nilstripes object canvas )

Disable stripes for this dialog. Written : 11/13/2007, Roger