Figure 5.1. Aqua under AQUA®
aqua.tcl is the Jeszra´s Graphical User Interface under AQUA®. AQUA® does not require any extra effort from the software designer addressing visual disabilities. Usability Support is built-in the windowing system itself. Hence, the single objective for this design is its integration with AQUA®.
Visual Differences
Toolbar and title are not unified.
The screen-shot was made with Tk 8.4, and does not show the customize button inside the title bar. This feature requires Tk 8.5 or higher.
No triangles in the hierarchy view.
The tabset is used for visual and cross-platform reasons instead of radiobutton groups.
Judging from the current adoption under AQUA® it seams rather doubtful, that the radiobutton group design will replace conventional tabsets.
Copyright © 2009–2010 Arndt Roger Schneider