- Command-Line Name: -editvariable, Database Name: editVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, boolean value, indicates to
use a custom »tclTest.tcl« file. This file is
stored inside the Tcl variable »-tcltestvariable«.
- Command-Line Name: -scripttool, Database Name: scripttool, Database Class; -
window pathName pointing to a
Galette window, containing »scripts«.
A menu is created, referring to the items inside
the »scriptool«. One, out of this items, can be selected
and used as a custom start command for the application.
- Command-Line Name: -testvariable, Database Name: testVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, contains a filename, this file is used to
initialize the test mode.
On default –without any value– »tclTest.tcl« is used
for this purpose. The file tclTest.tcl
is located inside the Jeszra main directory.
- Command-Line Name: -startupvariable, Database Name: startupVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable receives a boolean
value, indicating that a »Script Item« shall be used from
the »-scripttool«.
- Command-Line Name: -startupvariable, Database Name: startupVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, this variable receives a boolean
value, indicating that a »Script Item« shall be used from
the »-scripttool«.
- Command-Line Name: -tcltestvariable, Database Name: tclTestVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, contains a filename, this file is used to
initialize the test mode.
On default –without any value– »tclTest.tcl« is used
for this purpose. The file tclTest.tcl
is located inside the Jeszra main directory.
- Command-Line Name: -docbookexternaleditor, Database Name: docbookExternalEditor, Database Class: -
- Command-Line Name: -docbookvariable, Database Name: docbookVariable, Database Class; -
Tcl Variable, boolean value, forces to query for
a DocBook description for every template interface
property. A »gdbkparagraph« dialog will be shown the
instant a new, non-standard property is defined in the
- Command-Line Name: -docbookdoctypevariable, Database Name: docbookDocTypeVariable, Database Class: -
- Command-Line Name: -docbooktemplatevariable, Database Name: docbookTemplateVariable, Database Class: -
- Command-Line Name: -palettes, Database Name: palettes, Database Class; -
window pathName pointing to a
view, containing many Galette children.
This window is treated as a scratch area,
where a series of Galette windows can be placed
and interactively rearranged.
The editor may create new Galette windows,
delete, show or hide them from view.