Creates an Zinc item of »type« and applies it as a clip to the group given inside variable »clippedGroup«.
Under SVG, the newly element is generated as a child of the viewport's <defs/> section. The clipPath Element is later referenced on the given group via »clip-path«.
»coords« and »properties« are clean here. However the item cannot being added to the group it is supposed to clip.
Requires »simple code model«.
clipzinc is being used by ::dumper::clipzinc.
clipzinc is being used by ::vgcode::dump-configure-Zinc clients.
Example 4.28. ::vgcode::dump-configure-Zinc using clipzinc
# with this item (should be the parent group).
set clippedGroup \
[groupOf $target $_clip($id)]
append _graphics \
[dumper::clipzinc $ta_name $type $id $group $clippedGroup $coords $properties $transformation]