Separate processing the path item. Properties are already cleansed.
Example 4.25. pathcanvas
<path /> <!-- path in TkPath --> <path d="M 100 100 L 356 100 L 200 300 z" fill="red" ... />
Essentially, only coords processing. The »group« properties must be processed for TkPath 0.3.
Use group and window, to insert the path element. In cases where group is zero or unspecified, add the path element to the group identifying the »window«.
pathcanvas is being used by ::dumper::instantiate.
pathcanvas is being used by ::vgcode::dump-configure-PathCanvas, ::vgcode::dump-configure-Canvas clients.
Example 4.26. ::vgcode::dump-configure-PathCanvas using pathcanvas
# in the general fashion.
if {{path} == $type} {
append _graphics \
[dumper::pathcanvas $ta_name $coords_l \
[dumper::itemproperties $optsl $id {} $target]]