There is no justify for a listbox. This function can be called for windows of class: listbox, rtl_mlistbox, tablelist, hugelist. Only »listbox« windows are allowed here. The composed classes are processed later –rtl_mlistbox using listboxes; or are implemented as text windows –tablelist–, or canvas –hugelist.
The Internal size is somewhat smaller: borderWidth, highlightThickness, the viewport must be adjusted for this values, or rather clipping has to be defined. state, disabledForeground and foreground, cursor are needed, too.
Items are combined into a single text paragraph and passed on as a text object; the code generation coords are identified via x1..y2
Selection: • Draw select rectangles. • Use selectforeground for the selected items.
The coords inside a listbox must be integer, otherwise the text and rectangle alignment will get out-of-sync.
Added rectangles for each item, unselected items are classed as itemodd or itemeven, while selected items are classed as itemselect. –Allows for AQUA-Style alternating backgrounds via CSS.
listbox is being used by ::dumper::listbox, ::dumper::text, ::dumper::complexText.
listbox is being used by ::vgcode::dump-configure-Listbox, ::vgcode::dump-configure-Gistbox clients.
Example 4.22. ::vgcode::dump-configure-Listbox using listbox
... set items \ [$target get 0 end] if {{} == $items} { return {} } return \ [dumper::listbox $ta_name $items]