relativeparent target \ dots
Provides a relative addressing scheme to target using multiple (recursive) calls to winfo parent.
NOTE : This code should not being used at all. target isn't a child of base, the common ancestor is searched for base & target (using winfo parent) and then returned to the caller. NOTE : This code does indeed work! result contains subsequent calls to winfo parent ... which will then being used on base. Example:
[winfo parent [winfo parent [winfo parent $base]]]
--Still curious, though!
Added »target«, to allow cross-examination, needed for Jeszra.
relativeparent is being used by ::dumper::relativeparent.
Example 3.62. ::vgcode::baseName using relativeparent
... debug stdout "dump path ... " return \ [dumper::relativeparent $target \ [expr {$dotsBase - $dotsTarg}]]
Copyright © 2009–2010 Arndt Roger Schneider