Create a tkpath path entry inside a canvas window. This special version is necessary, in order to deal with path’s coordinates. Note 08/09/2007 - 15:02 : coordinates are rather larger ... better to transform this stuff in equal bits. There are always three items defining a point. Last entry is a single 'Z' M 557.0 578.0 Z
»z« may appear in the middle of a path definition, this happens when a hole is inside the path element.
Token 1 to 3 depends on the type of node. M, L, H is alright for normal stuff but not for cubic splines....
So nice it might be, it does not fly... M,L,H,V,A,Q,T,C,S,Z
Complete rewrite was necessary in order to deal with non-standard (x y) coordinates. Most prominently cubic splines. ... now it does fly ;-)
Features special code for dealing with underdefined S-segments, as they originate from Zinc.
Example 3.28. ::vgcode::dump-configure-PathCanvas using pathcanvas
# in the general fashion.
if {{path} == $type} {
append _graphics \
[dumper::pathcanvas $ta_name $coords_l \
[dumper::itemproperties $optsl $id {} $target]]