Code generation for zinc windows
A zinc window contains graphical objects
similar to an canvas window. There are also
binding for tags and transformations.
Jeszra deals with transformations separately
to coordinates! In consequence transformations
are preserved during code creation.
The tags are different from canvas tags.
Pathnames (.zinc.test for examples) should be
avoided, since this may interfere with the
'pathtag' feature of zinc.
There is also a special tag 'current';
this tag is excluded from the code generation.
The tag 'current' is added to the tags of the
front most (under the pointer) item.
The '-clip' properties must be dealt with
in a separate fashion. An Item which is used for
clipping has to be part of the group to which it
is applied (for clipping). This means the group
must use 'itemconfigure -clip' after the item was
created. The clipping item must also receive an
variable which can then being used within the
item configure call.
NOTE : First version does not include skip options
These code generation is straight down the list
of it's objects.
Groups are used within the geometry section as-well.
therefore the graphical part has to be done before.
Bindtags may contain special groups such as 'current'
Do not process this bindgroups instead remove them from
the tags list.
Transformations are directly applied to the freshly
created object as it is seen inside the zincwindow
Fixed, Z-Order.