special version for sub item with type
image, this object definition is stored
past the rest of the GUI.
New since version 2.5 file pathnames are
parsed and substituted with the modules
directory variable! To ensure that this
doesn't conflict with Tcl expressions the
file join argument are not quoted!
There are two versions of this procedure.
The uuencode package is used when available
and the photo images embedded into the generated
Base64 encoding. Base64 encoding depends
on whether the base64 package is available and
also what image extensions are used.
For example if img is installed than only
gif images can be encoded.
if tkpng is installed png images can be
encoded, too.
To make this part simple it is assumed that
no other image extension is installed in the
presence of tkpng.
The Img version, features two variations,
the data generation is »verified« this is
needed for »bitmap« images. Bitmaps cannot
being processed with this version.
It may occur that there is neither file
nor data for a Img based photo (curious!),
the Img version has to detect this and
generate the photo image anyway.
Revision : 07/16/2009, Roger : 03/21/2007, Roger multilingual (1)
Rewritten : 04/16/2007, Roger - file and base64
Revision : 07/31/2007, Roger - uses base64 instead of uuencode.
Revision : 10/10/2008, Roger - removed fixme.
Revision : 04/19/2009, Roger - Img