zincNew window \ type group coords \ properties transformation ?wnode?
ZincNew is similar to canvasNew. Some Zinc items require coordinate calculation; see »coordszinc«. Transformations have to be resolved, too; and added as a transformation »matrix« to the properties –the transformation matrix is an attribute under SVG and TkPath!
Groups and clipping items are not processed here.
Each Zinc item is a child of a »group«. The »group« parameter is used to identify its parent node–it was created using »groupv« (an abbreviation for group variable).
zincNew is being used by ::dumper::groupzinc, ::dumper::clipzinc, ::dumper::instantiate.
Example 4.45. ::vgcode::dump-configure-Zinc using zincNew
... # Now it's time to create the code generation stuff # This part does only apply for those item not used # to clip a parent group... set generated \ [dumper::zincNew $ta_name $type $group $coords $properties $transformation]
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