instantiate type \ window ?comment?
Instantiate a window using a SVG viewport. These window cannot be a toplevel window.
There are misalignments visible for stripes. Reason is unknown, suppose its an error in Tk.
Any window with a scroll able region must be filled off screen, too. This applies for canvas, pathcanvas, text, listbox and entry. Decoration, however, has to be drawn after the scrollregion.
See also »dumper::frame«.
Not every window class features readonly and disabled colors. These classes must fail; hence there will be no background for such classes. The procedure contains special code for the text and zinc windows to deal with this situation.
instantiate is being used by ::vgcode::dump-widget clients.
Example 4.36. ::vgcode::dump-widget using instantiate
... set classname \ [substitutep $classname] debug stdout "Now the item is created from : $classname as $ta_name" append output \ [dumper::instantiate $classname $ta_name "converted from \ [winfo class $target]"]
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