Appendix A. Appendix

Example A.1. editTools

# Function    : editTools
# ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
# Returns     : 
# Parameters  : tools - 
# Description : Open Jeszra as a project inside itself.
#               This enables it to edit and customize every
#               aspect of Jeszra itself.
# Written     : 1998, Roger
# Revision    : 06/15/2009, Roger
# Revision    : 09/03/2009, Roger
# Revision    : 11/06/2009, Roger
# ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
proc editTools {{tools .}} {
    set ip hidden;
    variable env;

    interp create $ip;
    $ip alias $tools $tools;

    # Pubchildren is the place where all children
    # get known to the slave interpreter...
    pubchildren $ip $tools;

    $ip alias menu add-menu;
    $ip alias master-opget opget;
    $ip alias pubwinfo pubwinfo;    
    $ip alias pubchildren pubchidldren $ip;
    $ip alias getCurrentWidget vgmenu::currentWidget;
    $ip alias getSettings getSettings;
    $ip alias getManager vgmenu::getManager;
    $ip alias gprogress::progress gprogress;
    $ip alias importSettings exportSettings;
    $ip alias status status;
    $ip alias mkFirstLow mkFirstLow;
    $ip alias mkFirstUp mkFirstUp;
    $ip alias setInvoke setInvoke;
    $ip alias getContext getContext;
    $ip alias bindtags bindtags;
    # Required for the context menu ...
    $ip alias otherInspector otherInspector;
    $ip alias hideTop hideTop $ip;
    #$ip alias setInvoke setInvoke;

    # Tk 8.2 patch
    if {[info tclversion] < 8.1 || [info tclversion] >= 8.3} {
	$ip alias destroy destroy;

    $ip alias master-inspect vgmenu::inspect;
    $ip alias setInterp vgmenu::selectInterp;

	# do more sophisticated stuff.
	::goreedit::init $ip .

    # Avoid error messages when editing Jeszra.
    $ip eval {
        namespace eval vgfile {
            proc isSimpleCode { } { return 0 }

    $ip eval [subst {
        proc inspect {window {q 0}} {
            variable ::w
            set ::w \$window
            setInterp $ip;
            status "Call master for \$window";
            master-inspect \$window \$q;
#        proc winfo {type w} {
#            pubwinfo \$type \$w $tools;
#        }

        proc vgbind args {}
        proc event args {}
        proc exit args {}
        proc wech args {}
        proc grip args {}

        namespace eval vgfile {}

        proc vgfile::getName args {return {Jeszra@Jeszra}}
        proc vgfile::modified args {return 0}

    foreach file [list vgcode vgdo vginteract vgm] {
        $ip eval [list source \
                     [file join $env(VGHOME) library ${file}.tcl]];

    set wlist $tools;
    set pa $tools;
    while {[set pa [winfo parent $pa]] != {}} {
	$ip eval "proc $pa {args} {return {}}\n";
	set wlist [linsert $wlist 0 $pa];

    $ip eval {proc editWidgets {args} {}};
    $ip eval [::exportSettings];
    $ip eval [list inspect $tools];
    set top [vgtop $tools];
    set tree $
    if {[winfo exists $tree]} {

        debug stdout "WLIST: $wlist"
        ::eval "$tree replace $wlist";